I had
already turned in my article to the National Catholic Register on “Our Blessed
Mother, the Stress Expert.”
  (To be
published soon.) I was onto other things by that time. Then, during adoration,
God let me know I had completely overlooked something
very important.

The very
first miracle Jesus performed was because his mother was concerned about
someone’s stress.  At the wedding at
Cana, the wine had run out ––a very stressful situation for the host. When
Jesus changed water into wine, it was because his mother had come to him about
relieving someone’s stress.
“Wow! Thank
you, God!” I thought. He had just given me the best point of the article which had totally escaped me. Later that day, I rewrote it and resubmitted.
While still
in adoration, I had been in awe at how God communicated with me. Looking at Jesus in the monstrance, I was
also then struck by the beauty of the sun’s rays shining from the stained glass
window visible through the lingering smoke of incense from exposition.  I took a picture with my
phone then looked to see if the sun’s rays showed up.  To my surprise, there were rays coming from
above, covering the Blessed Mother statue next to the altar. I
looked before me. No visible rays came from above.  I immediately took a few more pictures. No
more rays showed up.
For me, it
was a loving sign from God.  He had just
shed light to me about something important to include in the article on the
power of the Blessed Mother’s intercession to relieve our stress. Then, in the
next moment, rays from heaven appeared pouring down over her in my photograph.  Although absolutely nothing changed in the
next few seconds, nothing more showed up as light from above in my camera.  Never has such an image ever appeared in
my pictures.
People may come up with explanations as to why there appeared to be light
rays on the Blessed Mother statue.  For me, whatever
the reason, it happened together with God shedding light to me on the example in Scripture of Mary’s powerful intercession for us. 
When I wrote
Amazing Grace Books with Jeff
Cavins and Matthew Pinto, I was continually uplifted by story after story of
personal encounters with God.  He is
intimately close to us if we would just take the time to quiet our minds and be open
to him. And the Blessed Mother really will take our needs to her son Jesus if
we would give them to her.  She doesn’t stand in the place of Jesus.  The Blessed Mother goes with us.

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