“This universe is at war,” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.
an interview with Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the diocese of Springfield,
Illinois for an upcoming article with the National Catholic Register about
exorcism in the US, he referred to Christian author C.S. Lewis as calling the Earth
enemy-occupied territory. Thus, he said, we must access Divine protection so we do not
fall to the enemy, 

Bishop Paprocki pointed out  that
too many people think they only need to be concerned with the devil through
possession and otherwise don’t need to worry. “Possession is the extraordinary
work of the devil,” he said. “His ordinary work is temptation and we deal with
temptation every day. We all need to be concerned with this.”
Actual demonic possession is very rare, Bishop Paprocki explained. In the 6-½ years that he has been bishop, he has not seen anyone possessed with a devil taking over the body, although he has seen people afflicted with demonic harassment to different extents.
The best way
to protect ourselves from evil, he said, is through the sacraments because they
were instituted by Jesus Christ and fill us with the grace to protect us and bring
us closer to God. Sacramentals are also good, Bishop Paprocki said. They were
given to the Church through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. “When we bless
ourselves with holy water it helps protect us against evil. Crucifixes, the
rosary, and prayer, are sacramentals too,” he said. “They are all ways to help
us to be holy.”
Paprocki encourages people to go to Holy Communion and Confession frequently if
they want to use the greatest power against evil. The sacraments are more
powerful than an exorcism, he said, which is a blessing, so it is a sacramental
as opposed to a sacrament.”
“C.S. Lewis
used that analogy of the world as occupied territory to mean that God has given
the devil a certain amount of latitude in this world,” Bishop Paprocki said. “In
the end, Christ has conquered and wins out, but during our lifetime on Earth living
in occupied territory, we need to be aware of evil influences all around us.”
Since we
live in a secular culture, which means “worldly,” he explained, the evil one is
a strong influence. “That is why living the spiritual life through the
sacraments is so important to stay close with Jesus Christ and maintain our
relationship with God,” he said. “If we are not doing that while walking in
enemy territory, we have no protection and that is very dangerous.”
Paprocki said it is good to say prayers to reject the devil and reinforce faith
in God such as the “Our Father” and the Apostle’s and Nicene “Creed.”  We can also have a priest bless our house and
use prayers of minor exorcisms, he said.  A minor exorcism does not need permission form
the bishop to perform, unlike a major exorcism. 
The difference is that in a major exorcism, the priest speaks directly
to the devil. In a minor exorcism and in our prayers, we call on God to protect
The Church
uses prayers of minor exorcism frequently, such as at every Baptism to reject and
renouncing Satan. “You can also do a minor exorcism in a situation where there
is an evil influence for instance demonic activity in the house.” Bishop
Paprocki said. “It is simply praying to God to overcome evil influences.”
In the book Unbound:
A Practical Guide to Deliverance
by Neal Lozano he addressed the battle
plan of the devil in this world.  “Though
Satan’s divisive plan––keeping us from the fullness of our destiny as sons and
daughters of God in Christ––is different for each of us, depending on our
unique situations and personalities, his plan for us is all based on lies,” Lozano
wrote.  Instead, he said that it is
Christ who assures us the truth,  “…the
truth will set you free.” (John 8:32).
Many lives
have been built on a foundation of lies,” Lozano said, but staying close to
God, helps protect us from the lies while living in occupied territory.  “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons
of the world, On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds,”
(2 Corinthians 10:4).
explained that if there is an evil stronghold in our life, it block us from
knowing the truth about God, his love and ourselves. It will deceive us into
seeing the wrong people as our enemies. 
“Our real enemies are the powers of this dark world,” he wrote. 
For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms,” (Ephesians 6:12).

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