If people with Down syndrome are especially
loveable, then why do so many mothers chose abortion when they discover it in
their unborn baby?  Fear.  That is the main reason.  Rather than trust God and open themselves up
to a new world, they tragically miss out on the gift he had for them.

I know several families with children that
have Down syndrome.  Some were initially
terrified  but their pro-life values
ruled out abortion.  Without exception,
every single family ended up feeling immensely blessed by their special children.
father told me
that if God offered to heal his daughter from Downs, he
would say, “No thanks. She’s perfect the way she is.”
The A&E 
Network’s new reality TV show, Born
this Way
, is removing the fear of Down Syndrome through documenting
the lives of seven young adults with it.  The program offers a glimpse into their everyday
lives including perspectives from their families. After the first season’s  6 episodes in December and January,  the show was nominated for three Emmys.  It returns for a second season with a few new
cast members, beginning on Tuesday, July 26 at 10 PM Eastern.
 The show reveals
what so many people have not considered:  people with Downs syndrome have hopes and
dreams and capabilities. 
They also have endearing personalities. Raw honesty
seems to come naturally; often sharing hurts and fears that the rest of us like
to keep hidden. They are affectionate and forgiving and in discussions with
their family, they show respect while holding their own independence dear.
There is one
line that captures what I love about this series. During the second
season,  Sean is moving away from home to
room with Stephen with some independent living support. In one episode, while
cleaning the kitchen together and discussing their new responsibilities,
Stephen said to Shawn: “We aren’t in charge of the world; we are just in charge
of this house.”

Sean McElwee

, the
mother of Sean,
one of the cast members, explained in an interview that her son had wanted to
be an actor for many years.  It was
during his acting class at the local Downs Syndrome Association in Orange
Count, Calif. that he learned of the auditions for the show.  The original 7 were chosen out of 250
auditions. Shawn and Rachel already knew each other but the others are quickly
becoming good friends, often calling and texting and getting together.
“It would
have been tempting for us to fear the show,” Sandra said, “but I had a small
voice of God in the back of my head, telling me it would be a good thing.”
Since the
cast ages range from 20s to 30s, many of the situations presented are the very
ones that parents fear when they learn their baby has a life-long disability.  Dating and taking on responsibilities such as
independent living, are examples of issues the show addresses.  Sandra pointed out that those fears are often exaggerated
since everyone fears the teenage years and peer pressure. “In our case, we’ve
been very involved in Sean’s life so in many ways it was easier,” she said.
Initially, there
had been a concern among parents that things might be twisted to appear more dramatic,
 but she said the young adults have been
presented as they truly are.  “That is
the key to acceptance,” Sandra said.   
“After Sean was
born, I learned quickly that many women with that diagnosis choose to abort,”
Sandra explained.  “I set up a website to
help parents understand that having a baby with Downs is not so different than
having any other baby.”   The show has
already made strides in taking people’s discomfort for Downs away, according to
her. “People approach Shawn now that would never have approached him in the
past,” she said. “We just took a vacation out of the country to Grand Caymen
and Sean was approached by people who came up to him and said, “I love your
show.” It helped, Sandra explained, that the airline was showing Born This Way during the flight.
One of
Sandra’s biggest hopes for Born This Way
was that  women who learn they are
carrying a baby with Downs would decide not to abort. That hope is being

“I’ve had
mothers with prenatal diagnosis tell me that  that they’ve had so much hope after the show
and are more confident now,” she said.  “One
mother told me that she cancelled her amniocentesis test for Downs after a
blood test indicated that possibility. Another had an abortion scheduled and cancelled
it after watching the show.”   If Sandra is already getting such feedback–just one mother of one of the actors–then it’s an indication that this show is winning far greater rewards than mere Emmys.


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