Our goal during Lent is to
become intimately united with Jesus. No earthly being was more closely united
to him than his mother.
 She has been involved in every aspect of
Christianity since Jesus was conceived.

As a perfect
Mother to Our Lord Jesus, his suffering was her suffering. Surely Mary would
have taken his pain upon herself if that were possible.  It’s a mother’s wish: Let me be the one to suffer instead.  She was with her son at every
station of the cross and
persevered to the foot of the cross.
Mary Gives What She Has
Art from PaintedFaith.net
Mary was the perfect imitator of Christ, according
to Anthony Mullen Chairman and CEO and President of, Children of the Father Foundation,
a lay apostolate to help the Church achieve New Springtime of Christianity
through a unique outpouring of God’s Divine Mercy. “God wants us to go through
Mary as he went through her,” he said. “She can give us what she has–the
perfect relationship with Jesus.”
explained that one of the Foundation’s ministries,
people to go to Mary to draw closer to God. “The most perfect way to fulfill
your duty is to imitate Christ by imitating Mary,” he said.  “That is her role and it’s a way of life to
holiness.”  Mullen said that any other
way to Christ is going to be longer and slower. 
He also noted that of all the great saints he knows, he cannot think of one
that did not have a radical relationship to Mary. “If it’s our goal to be
perfect why not go through his mother?”
She Keeps Asking
Church approved apparitions of Mary, Mullen noted that one thing Mary
consistently asks of us, her children, is to pray the rosary daily.
 St. Pope
John Paul, in his encyclical
on the rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae
, explained that praying the rosary
a genuine
training in holiness.
 “The Rosary belongs among the finest and most
praiseworthy traditions of Christian contemplation,” he wrote.  
And among all creatures, St. John Paul said that no
one knows Christ better than Mary. “This school of Mary is all the more
effective if we consider that she teaches by obtaining for us in abundance, the
gifts of the Holy Spirit, even as she offers us the incomparable example of her
own ‘pilgrimage of faith,’” he said. “As we contemplate each mystery of her
Son’s life, she invites us to do as she did at the Annunciation: to ask humbly
the questions which open us to the light, in order to end with the obedience of
faith: ‘Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to
your word’” (Luke 1:38).
 Given fasting is mentioned many times in
Scripture, Mullen said that combining fasting with the rosary are two powerful weapons
given to us by God to grow in holiness and to defeat Satan’s power over the
“The rosary
is the fastest, surest, safest way to achieve our only purpose in life which is
to perfectly imitate Jesus Christ for the glory of the Father and the salvation
of souls,” said Mullen.  “Mary wants what
every good mother wants–for her children to have all the good that she has.” It
is no coincidence, according to Mullen, that most people who regularly spend
time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, also regularly pray the
rosary.   “The Blessed Mother gives her children, the love
for Jesus Christ that she has.”
Ways to Make Mary an Intimate Part of Your Lent
Consecrate yourself to Jesus through Mary during Lent.  The next consecration preparation begins during Lent.
Learn more and get free materials: MyConsecration.org
Pray the novena
to Our Lady Undoer of Knots
Accept the Lenten Mercy
to pray with Mary for others during this Year of Mercy. Every
Friday, fast on bread and water for lunch and pray a decade of the rosary.
Pray the rosary daily.
Read about Church approved apparitions of Mary (there are many books) and Marian
in which she always seeks to bring us closer to Christ and asks
us to pray.
Reflect on Mary’s life through the movie Mary of Nazareth.

Talk with the Blessed Mother daily and ask her to bring you closer to Jesus.

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