How could they?  Looking at the undercover videos exposing
the horrifying reality of all that comes with abortion, it’s a burning question.
 How  could human beings callously kill and
cut up babies; some with hearts still beating?  Our beliefs may be polar
opposites, but our prayers can be fueled with compassion if we understand why
they sit in the enemy camp.
1) They probably had an abortion or were
involved in one in some way
. Until they are ready to confront their
personal demons, they cannot confront any part of the issue.
2) They are terrified.
You thought they were just angry at pro-lifers. Psychology contends that when confronted
with pain, the anger response will precipitate the release of a chemical
expressly designed to numb it. Woman and men who acknowledge regret for their
abortions almost always admit going through a period of numbness before coming
to grips with their realty.
3) Their hearts have grown cold.  Deacon David Russell, author of the upcoming
book about men and abortion titled, “Through
My Father’s Eye’s
, said in an interview with me, that watching the videos
reminded him of the people involved in the Holocaust.  “The Nazis had a total disregard for the human
dignity of their victims,” he said.  “I
can see that same attitude in the demeanor of the people at Planned Parenthood.
They have blocked off a piece of their own humanity but I can’t believe they
started out that way.” Instead, he said he surmises that giving in to evil ultimately
deadened their consciences.
4) They don’t care if babies are cut up and
. If they
don’t care that the babies are killed, the rest will not matter to them.  Thus, no one should be surprised that Senate
Democrats (all but one) voted against defunding Planned Parenthood and are
calling to investigate
the makers of the videos rather than caring that laws were broken.
5) They are
  I’ve been to an
abortion rally where mothers had their children hold up pro-choice signs and
told them they didn’t want them to be around people like me. Just as in a cult,
they live in a social straightjacket with liberal, pro-abortion advocates. Becoming
prolife would be akin to joining the secret witness protection program—friends
would stop knowing them.
6) They are tangled
in a web
.  Pro-abortion politicians have
been bought and paid for, some people earn their paychecks through abortion, and
all surround themselves with like-minded people.  Few abortion advocates even looked at the
video because it would be too complicated to go there.
7) They think you are
a nut job
—perhaps dangerously so. Linda Couri shares her
testimony of how she went from working in the abortion industry with the people
she thought were the nice ones to converting and joining the other side which she had initially viewed as
hateful. It is one reason that pro-lifers must always reach out in gentleness.
8) Our prayers for
them will come back to us.
  We can’t
just love the unborn and not care about the people in the abortion industry.
They are a part of the equation of all that we are losing in society.  The mercy we show them will be measured back
to us, (Luke 6:38). They are God’s children. 
He loves them. They are broken, wounded, and seriously misled.  It pleases God when we pray for them.
9) They are reachable.  Some of the most hardened pro-abortion
activists have converted to the pro-life side. 
No one is beyond divine transformation. Consider that Dr. Bernard
Nathanson, the Jewish abortionist-turned-Catholic-pro-lifer went from helping
to make abortion legal and even aborting his own child, to spending his life
fighting against abortion.
10) They are losing.
And even
they think so.
  Pro-choice advocates
are dropping in opinion
and losing legislative ground. Pro-abortion enthusiasts often become
prolife but not the other way around. And killing off the next generation
ultimately leads to extinction.

11) They Lie.  After all, they don’t want people to know they are losing. They don’t want to believe it themselves.  They also want to believe that killing babies is a good thing for society, so there’s no way around it, they must lie. 

12. They are Our Opportunity.  Converts who share their testimonies are powerful weapons against abortion. Carrying signs that read: “I Regret My Abortion” speaks volumes. In their confusion and in their pain, pro-abortion advocates
are opportunities for us to show love and compassion as we fight against them with the hope that they will one day join us. 

For more inspiration, check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families  Follow Patti at Twitter and like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families and  Catholic News & Inspiration on Facebook.  Sign up at the right column to receive articles in your inbox.  God bless you!

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