If  you have not yet heard of the infamous, previously unknown, Amy Glass,
take a deep breath and brace yourself.  Her recent blog post
I Look Down On
Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry
proved that a little
venom can go a long way.

It appeared on the Brooklyn-based
Thought Catalog blog a
couple weeks ago and promptly
cluttered the Internet with buzz.  It even snagged the attention of a few cable
news programs.  Her point was to disparaged
marriage and motherhood. 

          Amy (not the Amy “Louise” Glass of the Calgary
who cannot find the bottom of her mail pile now) is quite content with
the uproar she caused.  
Here is a quote from her
follow-up post:
  “If we were convinced
that motherhood and being a wife was a freely made goal that did not in any way
encumber women, my post wouldn’t have over 200k social shares, I wouldn’t have
received hundreds of emails in the span of a few days…”

Public Exposure of Insecuritiy
Amy was secure, she would not mock women who choose differently. Why did she
highlight her nasty post with the picture of a crazed-buffoonish looking woman
with her head in a pot?  Hmm, doth the
lady protest too much?

Picture used for Amy’s post.

are people who lift others up and those who drag them down. Amy is down. She
thinks the way to feel better is to drag others down with her so she can step
over them. Amy has garnered attention, but the poor woman is not well.
Consider some
of her words.
 Every time I hear someone say that feminism is about validating every
choice a woman makes I have to fight back vomit.”  She gets physically sick with hatred.
people really think that a stay at home mom is really on equal footing with a
woman who works and takes care of herself? …It’s hard for me to believe it’s
not just verbally placating these people so they don’t get in trouble with the
mommy bloggers.”  Why does it disturb Amy to think she’s on equal footing with
married women and mothers? She has a pathological need to feel superior.
have baby showers and wedding parties as if it’s a huge accomplishment and
cause for celebration to be able to get knocked up or find someone to walk down
the aisle with. These aren’t accomplishments, they are actually super easy
tasks, literally anyone can do them.”  My guess is that Amy cannot; at least not
in a real emotional way.  Her anger is
simply jealousy.
are the most common things, ever, in the history of the world.”  They are also the most important things in the
world. There would be no Amy without at least one of them. Good marriages and
good mothers require work, heroism, love, and patience.
 Living for Others is not “Nothing”

women can do anything, why are we still content with applauding them for doing
nothing?” No one in her right mind thinks marriage and parenthood is doing
  Amy is not well.
want to have a shower for a woman when she backpacks on her own through Asia,
gets a promotion, or lands a dream job not when she stays inside the box and
does the house and kids thing which is the path of least resistance.”
others with love and humility, thinking outside yourself–if not outside the box– is not the path of least resistance.  And
if you want to give showers for worldly accomplishments, get busy. Very
busy.  But that misses the point of a shower. It is to support a woman as she
embarks on a journey with someone beside just herself.
will never have the time, energy, freedom or mobility to be exceptional if you
have a husband and kids.”  Amy’s
definition of exceptional demands selfishness; any sacrifice holds me, me, me, back.
secretly like to talk about how hard managing a household is so they don’t have
to explain their lack of real accomplishments.”  Amy does not understand the camaraderie of
motherhood so she ridicules it.  Nor does she recognize “real accomplishments.” 

“Doing laundry will never be as important as being a doctor or an engineer
or building a business. This word play is holding us back.”   Whatever work God has given us to do, is of
supreme value—more important than anything else we could possibly be doing.  Amy feels the need to insult those she deems
beneath her. In reality, the only people being held back are ones who think
like her.  She lives in a very small world where the God of personal
accomplishment rules.

  Amy, God loves you and so do we,
despite your irritating post.
  We will
pray for you too…right after this next load of laundry. 

Check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families  uplifting and dramatic stories on love and life. Children’s books,  Dear God, I Don’t Get It and Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious are fiction that present faith through fun and exciting stories.  Follow Patti at Twitter and like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families.

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