
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Contemplating The Birth of Our Creator

In a manger, in Bethlehem, under starlit skies, animals helped to warm the cool, night air with their humid breath.  Sending angels as midwives and providing a feedbox for a crib, God chose to enter our world in flesh in blood form; the son of Mary, the son of God.  It was a moment in history marked for salvation by the Creator of everything who chose to be born with nothing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Blessed Mother in Kuwait by Veronica Hargrove

 When Veronica Hargrove's son was fighting overseas in Kuwait, praying the rosary for him took away her feeling of fear and helplessness.  And the Blessed Mother came through.

     As a little girl, I often noticed my father fingering a string of pretty beads.  I would wonder why he played with those beads so often.  When I was six years old, my dad explained the power of Mary’s intercession to her Son through the rosary. He taught me how to say this very special prayer.

     I have prayed it ever since.  Mary has not only helped me throughout my own life, but I believe she helped save my son’s life as well as the lives of his buddies during a difficult time.