The Internet has
it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. 
Like everything in life, it is a battleground of good and evil, best
navigated by staying near to God.

The Good
 Prior to the Internet, computers were euphoric
enough for me: cutting and pasting versus starting over with a clean
sheet of paper. And research no longer required a library card and childcare.
Everything is at our fingertips now. While writing
this article, my 14-year old doing homework beside me, asked a question about
the International Dateline.  In an instant, I had an answer for him and we
returned to our work, side by side.
I want the connection
the Internet allows in our crazy world: radio stations, email and Skype with
loved ones, my favorite religious websites for news and inspiration; Facebook
for close friends and those I’d have lost touch with otherwise; good recipes,
and quick medical information. People have converted through the Internet, fact-finding,
inspiration, and debates, have led many to God.
Life is easier;
from making reservations and price comparisons to online auctions, and ordering
used books, gifts and specialty items. 
The Internet’s convenience gives us many hours of saved time that we
most likely spend, on the Internet.
The Bad
Time, our most
precious commodity slips away easily. On the other side of lost time are
family, chores, work, prayer, sleep, and friendships.  I love Facebook for the connection it allows,
but do I really need to know so many inane things? Newspapers, magazines and
books are going by the wayside, along with our attention span. And writing, art,
and music often are used without payment or credit to the creator.
The Ugly
Vice is more
convenient; ask any gambler or porn addict.  And porn, is not just free and easy, it’s a
ubiquitous and aggressive predator
Bullying and
humiliation have risen.  I once saw a
woman screaming into her husband’s hidden camera, thereby starring in his You Tube video
he posted prior to filing for divorce. 
I didn’t even know those people and why was I watching that?  I don’t remember.  We become voyeurs into other people’s
business and have killed off brain cells watching so many dumb videos.
What is the
price of lost sleep and loss of time spent with our families?  Squandered time and a lesser existence. I’m not giving
up the Internet, but I pray for God’s guidance.
Prayer for the Internet
Dear Lord, give
me your protection as I use the Internet.
Keep me from
Surround me with
your light.
Help me act
always in love.
In the company
of your angels and saints,
Guide my path to
sites that glorify You.
Be my timekeeper
and filter.
Let me hear Your
Divine call to my duties,
Repel me by
anything against You.
me to evangelizing opportunities,
send your Holy Spirit with the words.
Let the Godly attract me stronger than the worldly
Keep me from
self-indulgence and addiction.
Thank you, Lord,
for the blessings of technology.
Forgive me for
the times I have misused it.
And in all
things, lead me closer to You.
For more inspiration, check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families. stories on love and life. Children’s books,  Dear God, I Don’t Get It and Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious are fiction that present faith through fun and exciting stories.  Follow Patti at Twitter and like her Facebook pages at Dear God Books,  Big Hearted Families.

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