when scientists are wrong it is no big deal.
You mean coffee is not bad for me?
Cool, pour me a cup.
But other times, scientists get it so wrong it can
affect the world. Consider the over-population myth. I’m not giving scientists complete blame, but years of over-population fears and dire predictions certainly accounts for
some missing people. The alarmists were wrong.

     The world’s population growth has slowed.
It was announced last year by the U.S. Census Bureau that the 7 billionth
person was born. Environmentalists have been frantic over the planet’s ability
to sustain human life at least since the Sixties. Well, before that too, but it
became epidemic along with the sex, drugs and rock-and-roll crowd. (Our first
     The realization is  dawning that over-population may not be a
problem after all. It took humanity 13 years to go from 6 to 7 billion. That’s one
year longer than the 12 years it took to go from 5 to 6 billionth—the first
time in recorded history that population growth has slowed. (From 2 to 3
billion took 123 years; 3 to 4 billion took 33 years; 4-5 took fourteen years;
and 5-6 took 13 years.)
     Scientists are now actually predicting
population will soon decline. A team at Austria’s International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) has predicted that the world population is
likely to peak at about 9 billion and by 2100, it will have gone down to 8.4
billion and keep falling.
     Ironically—and tragically—under-population
may be the next world concern, although many developed countries are already in
that phase.
In Germany, the
rate of birth has sunk to just
, worse even than its low-fertility
Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe is expected
to lose over 100 million by the end of the century, from 460 million to 350
million. Russia and China are both in a steep downward spiral, each of whose
populations could fall by half
     Perhaps we do not hear much about the
population decline in this country because immigration has kept us
afloat—padding the population while also increasing the birthrate with larger
families than native-born citizens. But the immigrant boost is expected to
decline. Last month, the Pew Research Center reported that immigrant births
from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012. The
overall U.S. birthrate has fallen by 8% over the last four years, to 64 per
1,000 women.
     According to the Population
Reference Bureau
fertility rates in the United States have fallen since 1990 among all major
racial/ethnic groups. The Latina fertility rate dropped sharply in recent
decades, from 3.0 births per woman in 1990 to 2.4 births per woman in 2010; and
for black women from 2.5 to 2.0. Fertility rates among white and Asian women
have also dropped.
     Even countries with traditionally high
birth rates are declining. Mexico’s fertility
dropped from 7.3 births per woman to 2.4, from 1960 to 2009.  India’s dropped
from six to 2.5, and Brazil’s
fell from 6.15 to 1.9. In sub-Saharan Africa, fertility is projected to
fall below replacement level
by the 2070s.
     Scientists are now scrambling for an
explanation. Some hypothesize that having many children was once a way to stave
off the large numbers lost to natural disasters and childhood diseases. Also,
they point to poverty as a reason for big families and say that with improved
economic conditions families get smaller.
     I’m no scientist, but this explanation is
lacking.  It leaves out the fact that
from Biblical times, children were thought to be a blessing while in modern societies
have been brainwashed into thinking two kids is enough since any more drains resources
and free time. Contraception and abortion have killed 55 million babies in this
country alone since abortion has been legal for the last 40 years. And China’s
forced one-child policy is hardly a matter of nature taking its course in
     According to a 2008 IIASA
, if the world stabilizes at a total fertility rate of
1.5—where Europe is today—then by 2200 the global population will fall to half
of what it is today. By 2300, it’ll barely reach 1 billion. It’s guesswork, and
we know where that has gotten scientists in the past, but the fact is that fewer
babies are being born. The other fact is that in countries such as Russia,
Sweden, and Singapore where the governments offer incentives to women to have
more babies, they are not taking the bait.
     In developed countries, it looks like the
Zero Population Growth mongers will get their way.   Education and lifestyle trump having big
families.  Couples delay marriage and
delay families. Women contracept and unborn babies are aborted. However, you
would think that by now the alarmists would have slunk away into oblivion;
shunned and humiliated by their outlandish guffaw. Well, it’s hard to believe,
but they are still at it. I suppose they figure people have fallen for lies and
bad science before so long, why stop now?
     Zero Population Growth (ZPG), co-founded
in 1968 by Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb has changed
their name to Population Connection. They have the nerve to state on their
website: “We were the first ones to bring the population crisis to the
attention of the nation, and indeed, the world! Today we continue our mission
as Population Connection through
education, advocacy, and outreach to spread our urgent message.” 
     They know all about the projections of a
declining world population.  They pose
the question: “
Are We Running Out of People?Silly Slate (refers to this article on Slate
) piece suggests that humans might go extinct. Apart from life-on-Earth-ending
asteroids or viruses, that scenario is laughable.”
     We should expect no apology from
them for a shrinking world.
Instead, they see themselves as heroes for leaving
holes in families where children would have been so that now there’s more room
for grass.
Earth Was Never in Trouble
     Ironically, the earth was never really in
trouble to begin with. Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun is an economist and the author
of The War Against Population: The
Economics and Ideology of World 
Population Control
(Ignatius, 1988, 1998).
 According to her, regardless of what the
numbers are, our earth has never been in danger of too many people. In her
book, Kasun states: “It’s reported by Paul Ehrlich and others that human beings
actually occupy no more than 1 to 3 percent of 
the earth’s land surface. 

you allotted 1250 square feet to each person, all the people in the world would
 into the state of Texas. Try the math yourself: 7,438,152,268,800 square
feet in Texas,
 divided by the world population of 5,860,000,000, equals 1269
square feet per person. 
The population density of this giant city would be
about 21,000 — somewhat more than
 San Francisco and less than the Bronx. 

the lies have been taken as fact and the world’s policy makers act accordingly.
 Governments are committed to reduce
worldwide population growth. 

Abortions and sterilizations are pushed and
even forced on citizens with United Nations’ approval and often financing,
while emergency aid to Third World countries has come to include free and
sometimes coercive birth control.
government schools teach kids in social studies that the earth is dying under
the strain of people, then, when the bell rings the kids continue onto the next
class where sex education teaches them how the various birth controls work to
curb population growth.
  Even our
elementary-aged children come home from school, worried about our “dying”
planet. It seems the height of irresponsibility to pass on lies and scare
little children.
  For some reason the
media and education system listens to only one side of the story.
of Overpopulation
     Although you would never know this by
listening to the evening news, the scientific community is in great
disagreement over whether global warming is real and if there is a connection
to overpopulation.  Kasun writes:
“Seventy-nine scientists issued the “Leipzig Declaration” in 1995
saying ’ . . . There does not exist today a general scientific consensus
about greenhouse warming
 . . ..’ Additionally, the satellite readings of
global temperature, available on the NASA Web site
 at, do not
show a warming trend.”
the root of this scare is the belief that too many people cause too many
emissions, which causes the greenhouse effect, and also, a hole in the ozone.
Again, there is a great dispute among scientists on ozone depletion and no one
has ever proved anything.
is also blamed for the deforestation of the planet.  Yet, according to Kasun, thirty percent of
the earth is covered in trees, the same figure as in the 1950’s.  “Another fact: Trees are growing 33 percent
faster than they are being cut… There has also been great agitation about the
destruction of 
the tropical rainforests. Someone has claimed that an area
twice the size of Belgium
 is now being logged worldwide each year, but people
don’t realize Belgium could fit 
into the world’s tropical forests 500
times, and in the meantime, the rest of the world’s 
trees — 99.6 percent of
them — are continuing to grow.”
pollution and acid rain are also blamed on overpopulation. Air pollution is
largely a result of how industries do business. Due to greater emissions
controls, it is declining significantly in the United States.  Blaming it on more babies being born is a cop
the sixties and seventies, the inability to feed ourselves was supposed to be
just around the corner. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
world food supplies exceed requirements
 in all world areas, amounting to a surplus
approaching 50 percent in the developed
 countries, and 17 percent in the
developing regions. Our own government actually pays farmers not to farm 33.5
million acres. 
coverage of famines is often photo opportunities for the media to massage the
overpopulation myth.  But famines are
caused by extreme droughts, war, ineptitude, or corrupt governments, not
because there are too many people to feed.
reports: “Western journalists blamed the Ethiopian famine on ‘overpopulation,’

but that was simply not true. The Ethiopian government caused it by
confiscating the food stocks of traders and farmers and exporting them to buy
arms. That country’s leftist 
regime, not its population, caused the
 In fact, Africa, beset with problems often blamed on
‘overpopulation,’ has only one-fifth 
the population density of Europe…”
cry that our natural resources are in short supply has an ebb and flow to
it.  Some may remember the “energy crises”
in the seventies.  It was a year that
people stopped hanging outdoor Christmas lights because our energy was in short
supply.  I lived in the Detroit area and
our family tradition of driving around to look at lights came to an abrupt
halt. No one dared to waste energy on something as frivolous as Christmas
lights.  Oddly enough, thirty years later
there seems to be ample energy for all our lights. Not surprisingly, many
experts believe that our natural resources are plentiful and we have nothing to
fear.  Others believe that technology is
always coming up with sources of alternative energy sources.
bottom line is that God if all knowing and he would not have created a world we
would outgrow. But sadly, even if all the population scares are explained away,
our culture has lost its love affair with children. More creature comforts and
advantages are seen as more desirable than children.
years ago, I heard a radio report that the #1 request from children to
in-store Santa Clauses were for little brothers or sisters.  For them, it’s the best gift they can
imagine. Many adults have forgotten this.

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My latest books, Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories from Everyday
, and children’s book, 
Dear God, I Don’t Get It  (Available for
pre-order now!) will both be released in April.


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  1. Thank you for your comments. Faustina, I share your sorrow. I had 8 children and adopted 2 more for 10 total, so it might seem like I'm crazy to say that. But for years, we avoided pregnancy and my husband even had a vasectomy which was reversed when we came to appreciate the eternal awesomeness of life and truth of Catholic teaching on life. I thank God that we came to understand soon enough to have four more children. I understand completely couples who were led astray as we once were. It makes me angry that so many have been lied to and convinced avoiding children was the right decision–the responsible decision.

  2. About 35 years ago, the NY Times did a piece on my large family (I'm the 14th of 16 children) and my parents received hundreds of pieces of hate mail. As I read this article, I can't help but thank God that my parents' faith was not in science, but in God, and that they had all the children God granted them. Thanks for uncovering the truth, Patti. Now, the next "scientific fact" to be uncovered: "global warming"!

  3. What a pleasure to receive your comments. So sad about the hate mail. People were brainwashed. When the media and scientists and environmentalist were all acting like too many people were destroying our planet, they got people all upset. Big families became the enemy. Now, so many countries need big families. We are the greatest natural resource.
    How wonderful that you are a "happy nun". God bless you.

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