The latest craze being sold
in stores to kids and teens across the country has all the makings of a
successful fad—inexpensive, cute, and collectible.  But parents beware: the charm-sized voodoo
dolls, also known as string dolls, are no child’s play. 

A friend emailed me a link
advertising a Guardian Angel Voodoo Doll. 
“Don’t you think that’s an odd combination?” she asked. My friend had
just returned from a vacation in North Carolina and saw them in a number of
stores there. I found they are available in chain stores throughout the
country. What I did not find were any articles about them, so I researched the
product and discussed the ramifications with an exorcist.
The Saan Ha Corporation
based in Thailand, claims to be the originator of the doll and warns on their
website that there are imitators. Regardless of the brand, these dolls are
around 3-4 inches in height and made from a yarn-like string. 
Each one portrays ideas and categories such as teens, in-love, careers,
witches, zombies and much more.  They
come with little accessories and are placed in a small packet with a note
explaining their special powers.  A small
bell, a keychain clip and a mobile phone attachment are included.
The Voodoo Dolls are marketed to
fulfill human desires and accommodate the lives of modern people. They are
purported to relieve stress and tension and care for spiritual needs. According
to the  website, “Every children and
teenage who bought Voodoo dolls and String dolls not only bring home their own
Voodoo dolls and String dolls but dreams and hopes that come with them.”  One need only search categories and read the
descriptions for the hundreds of dolls, to find the ones that can best
fulfill their needs.
The website claims they’ve been
banned in China after parents complained they encouraged kids to practice black
magic. I could find no articles to support that claim. Whether it’s true or
not, it’s suspicious that a website would publicized something negative about their product. Therefore, it leads me to suspect that the company wants
buyers to know about the black magic connection, and sees it as a good
marketing tool.
This is how the company explains the potential power of the voodoo dolls. “There are
two sides to everything, Voodoo dolls and String dolls magic included. When
people seek for blessing through positive reinforcement, subconsciously it also
goes to show the dark side in human minds. Therefore, we need you who interest
in Saanha Voodoo dolls and String dolls read each characteristic of them, and
fulfill your desire with the best way.” 
While it’s obvious they could use a better language translator, their
translation of a blessing is also warped.  Blessings come from God. Black magic, good luck charms, voodoo…
anything occult,  draws on evil powers.
If, however, it is not black
magic that you are after,  you are told not
to worry because it’s all just for fun.  Most
parents reading this article do not want their kids involved in real voodoo.
Yet, there will be some who allow their children to have such dolls thinking they are
harmless trinkets. But are they?
I talked about this with Fr.
Patrick, (not his real name) a parish priest and exorcist in the United States.
Due to his heavy workload and the fact that he only works with people referred
by his bishop, he does not want to reveal his identity.
“Lucky charms are
superstitious in the first place,” he said. “It places faith in something that
has no power.  If the object is connected
to any spirits, people are going to be giving those spirits power.”
Fr. Patrick warned
Christians to discern what is going on when something is supposed to have power.
“If they believe in God and angels they should believe in demons too—fallen
angels,” he said. “Whether they like it or not, they are accessing the other
angels.  Instead of accessing the Holy
Spirit, they are opening themselves up to whatever power is connected to the object, and it’s not the Holy Spirit.” 
 Fr. Patrick pointed out that God allows people
to have freedom even if it’s to make a bad choice.  “If they are dumb enough to summon demons,
then that’s what they get.”
In his exorcism and
deliverance ministry, Fr. Patrick said that he has witnessed situations where once demons
get control, they never want to give it up. Thus, it’s not always easy to walk
away from the occult.  “Demons want to
control and hurt,” he said, “while God is about freedom and protection and
Another aspect of Voodoo is
its effects on those who are not even connected to it.  It is the practice of not just accessing evil
powers to control things, but can involve putting curses on others to
manipulate or harm them. Do people need to worry about that?
Fr. Patrick admits that he
has worked with people who have been affected by curses. However, he stated
that no one should live in fear of such things since God is all-powerful.
“Regular Mass attendance and receiving the sacraments—going to Reconciliation
and receiving the Eucharist—are going to offer protection,” he said.  He likened the situation to a shark looking
for fish.  “He’s going to find the
unprotected fish and eat it.”  
But what about kids who are collecting
the Voodoo Dolls just for fun?  Is there harm in clipping a cute looking string doll to a purse or cell phone?  Fr. Patrick said that such a choice reminds him of
the commercial against drinking and driving in which a guy says, “But I’m just
buzzed, not drunk.” Unfortunately the woman he accidentally hit with his car,
is still dying.  Fr. Patrick explained
that it can be a fine line between owning something occult and using it for occult
practices. “So why go there at all?”


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  1. Wow, these look alot like the characters from the videogame "Little Big Planet".

  2. "Another aspect of Voodoo is its affects on those who are not even connected to it."

    I think you probably meant "effect". Otherwise I don't understand the sentence. 😀

    1. Thanks, Irenaeus. You are absolutely right. Thanks for mentioning it so that I can fix it.

  3. The dolls must have been around for a while. There are Chinese language news sites from 2006 warning about the fascination these "wudu wawa" from Thailand have for teenagers. Of course, Chinese sites don't speak of diabolical influences, but rather of "feudal superstition".

    1. That's interesting. No surprise that they have been around for awhile–just like voodoo–but they seem to be just catching on at some U.S. store chains.

  4. these dolls remind me of the very popular bracelets and charms that are sold as jewelry all over the country with words like: truth, love, strength. Sometimes they even come as garden stones. When these objects are sold as wishes, rather than prayers, they encourage a kind belief in the power of the object. It's a subtle difference between those objects and the popular saints bracelets. The devil is tricky. Skew ideas just a little and they are off the narrow path…

    1. You are absolutely correct. That is why the Word of God is so clear that we shall not make unto thee ANY graven image [for worship] of that which is in the heaven above, or the earth, or the waters beneath the earth. Thus the saints bracelets, rosary beads, and statues are in fact idols per the scripture. It is an insult to God to represent any part of Him (including the savior) with human made articles of worship. Idolatry is like unto spiritual adultery.

  5. Why do people abandon God for useless idols?! Why isn't there a trend of wearing a Miraculous Medal and asking for Mary's intercession instead of believing in idols?

    1. Mary was a wonderful Godly woman, chosen to bear the Messiah. However, the bible is clear that she was never meant to worshiped or serve as an intercessor. 1 Timothy 2:5; For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. No one else, period. No useless idols in the form of miraculous medals or voodoo dolls. No praying to dead people, saints or mother Mary. Talking to the dead is a capital crime in the Bible. Please read scripture daily…do NOT take the churches word for it 🙂 In love, Shalom

  6. I have concerns about Moshi Monsters that my grandson is interested in. He wanted me to buy him a Diavlo Plush toy – my antenna picked up straight away as Diavlo is close to the word Diablo or Devil and in fact when I checked this monster out he has devil like characteristics including a forked tail and horns. I tried to explain to him why this was not a suitable toy. I think some of the Pokemon of my children's childhood had doubtful characteristics too. They say: When treated badly, they get very upset and angry. When Diavlos get upset or tired, it is noticeable that the lava in their head goes dark.

  7. Thanks for the information!!!

    Now in days it is necessary to stay on top of all this fads because the devil is sure taking advantage of silly things to deceive many.

  8. Voodoo is a horrible, bloodthirsty religion. Children should not be allowed to have anything connected with this cult, because it might spark their interest in it. For information about voodoo, read "Blood Secrets" by Isaiah Oke. Oke was trained to be a Juju ( Juju is the mother religion of voodoo) priest, but rejected it in favor of Christianity. Once you read this book, you will realize how dangerous paganism is, and anything connected to it should be forbidden to Christian kids.

  9. One should not assume that the marketed voodoo dolls have not been cursed, i.e., carry a curse. Just like we bless things, and the blessing is carried forth, so also with curses. As a deliverance ministry I say don't be fearful but be wise. If you are not operating with a heighted gift of discernment of spirits, then don't have anything to do with these dolls. Your naivete does not concern the enemy. Once you open the door to him it remains open until he is evicted from your life, and then that can be a process in itself. Those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God. God bless us one and all.

  10. Fabulous article, and well written. It hit on all the right points, and truthful. All the way up to where is listed human actions of religious sacraments for protection. That is no different than any other of mankind's attempts at choosing how to worship God. The Bible lists relationship with God as his protection. Repentance (tishuva), and following the commandments of the King (in other words, the Torah). When Jesus said "he who loves me will keep my commandments", which ones were His? "The Torah became flesh". The only scripture in existence at his time. In other words, all of them. But the added human idolatry commandments of eucharist, mass, indulgences etc were created to hold power and money. Please validate EVERYTHING with the Word of God.
    With love,

    1. Peter, I'd love to send you a copy of my book "Catholic Truths for Our Children". It is a guide to help hand down the Catholic faith. In it, is all the history and scripture to support all of Catholic teaching. If you study the early Church Fathers and the early Church, you will find all Catholic teaching consistent with it. The first Mass was celebrated by Jesus at the Last Supper, who said to do this in memory of me. If you email me your address, I will gladly send you a copy of the book.

    2. Oh, but I should warn you, anti-Catholic people have read this book and converted. They've been very surprised by the truth.

  11. This is ridiculous…The string dolls are adorable…..My daughter is 11 and has been collecting and loving them as she loves all of her stuffed animals and collectibles her while life….This article is why organized religion is complete and total hypocrisy….It is sheepish….misinformed and written to incite fear….We will keep loving our "voodoo" dolls like good little heathens….You all can go hide from their hideous and demonic existance……sigh….I pity you.

  12. these dolls have been around years, they're dolls no matter what label you put on them, it's belief that's dangerous.
    They're bits of thread and sticks at the end of the day.

  13. Yes, belief is what is behind it but still, if something is attached to evil, such as a ouija board, then you best stay away. The superstition behind these dolls is not good and voodoo is an actual occult practice.

  14. "Voodoo is evil"

    My gosh people… When can we grow up and learn something instead of looking at stereotypes and the bad side of things. Voodoo isn't always evil and has nothing to do with evil. It's 2013 not 1900's. When can we just accept people not the bad things of people and just labeling anything bad and wrong with "evil" or "sin". Just accept new things and treands and learn about them instead of just labeling them as "evil" because of one thing… And this is why you guys ruin fun, no offense, but it's true. Two words, learn and live… SMH, people these days.

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