are not generally high achievers so the government has a responsibility to
reduce their population. (Stay with me, I have a point to make.) Singleton
children from highly educated, successful parents tend to be self-centered, so
the government needs to address that unpatriotic situation.
   Rich families breed kids with tendencies for
depression, so they should be encouraged not to procreate.
     Are these
hateful and ignorant statements?  Uh, yeah. Would anyone dare speak them
publically?  Not if they value their
reputations.  So then, explain to me why one
of President Obama’s top science advisers got away with claiming children from
large families have lower IQ’s and the government has a responsibility to curb
such populations.

     Recently, CNS News writer, Terence P. Jeffery, reported that John P. Holdren (aforementioned advisor) co-authored a book with
population control mongers, Paul and Anne Ehrlich in which they wrote, “It
surely is no accident that so many of the most successful individuals are first
or only children, nor that children of large families (particularly with more
than four children), whatever their economic status, on the average perform
less well in school and show lower I.Q. scores than their peers from small

     The book, Human
Ecology: Problems and Solutions
claims that our government has a
responsibility to discourage large families. (More on IQ and family size
later.) Certainly the Obama administration investigated Holdren before offering
him a top-level advisory position, so it’s safe to assume that his views are acceptable
with Obama.  Since Obama’s Health and
Humane Service (HHS) mandate requires all health-care plans to cover
sterilizations, artificial contraceptives, and abortifacients without any fees,
it’s clear the president is hell bent on limiting the creation of future
     When Obama was honored at Notre Dame he promised to,
“honor the conscience of those who disagree”.  What’s the deal now?  The deal is that his sentiments are showing
and Obama is none too sentimental towards Catholic teaching.
Catholic Sex Ed Primer
     The sexual revolution did not change Catholic teaching
on love and sexuality. Until 1932, contraception was generally condemned by all
Christian Churches including reformers such as Martin Luther and John
Calvin.  The Anglican Church was the
first to change its stance and began the domino effect of one protestant
denomination after another reversing
this teaching.
    The Catholic Church
continues to teach as it always has, that marital love is expressed both
physically and spiritually and removing the life-giving force of this gift by
tampering with our bodies to disrupt healthy functioning means:  1) lifeless
sex  2) committing grave sin. The Church allows, however, for married
couples to use natural methods in union with God for planning families.  
     Pope Paul VI’s
 Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae
explains the Catholic
teaching.  He was prophetic in predicting that widespread use of
contraception would lead to “conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of
morality.” Pope Paul VI also predicted that the widespread acceptance of
contraception would place a “dangerous weapon… in the hands of those public
authorities that take no heed of moral exigencies.” The Obama administration is
doing just that by mandating that the Catholic Church act against over 2,000
years of teaching.
     All religious leaders
should be alarmed and many non-Catholic leaders are. How dare the government
tell us we must go against our consciences?  All of the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops
have denounced the HHS mandate. Sin may be a choice in a democracy but it
cannot be mandated.
IQ’s and Big Families
     Getting back to my
original outrage over the unscientific opinion that children from large
families have lower IQ’s and thus the government best be advised to curb such
offspring—that contention is not only hateful, it’s wrong.  Oh, and stupid too. 

     I come from a family
of six kids, all college educated. My ten children are all very intelligent by standardized testing standards, even the two from Kenya. I went to a Catholic school during the
Sixties and Seventies; lots of big families but not lots of dumb kids.  My relatives had big families brimming with
successful college graduates.  I know countless big families whose children have
achieved success according to the narrow confines of Holdren’s definition which centers on money, position and power.  Yet, such trappings are more
visible and easier to gain than true success—goodness of heart, kindness, mercy
and all the things that grow from love. I say families grow love so why strive
to limit them?
     The research speaks to success in all areas for big
families. In 2008, after 4 years of research in the UK, TV News reporter Colin
Brazier, published a report in
Civitas Review. His research indicates
that children do well in large families; they have better social skills, are
healthier, and do better at school on numerous measurements. And if that were
not enough, given they are more efficient users of resources, they are even better
for the environment.
     Some of the pros Brazier found among children from big families were better
social skills ranging from conflict resolution to making and maintaining
friends and greater empathy. He found they were healthier with less asthma, eczema
and hay fever, and had reduced risks of leukemia, cancer and diabetes. Children
from large familiars were also are more independent, thriftier, more capable
and have fewer divorces.
     But what about the IQ quotient Holdren is so concerned
large families diminish in children? As a scientist, he should read the

A study by the American Psychological Association and
published in the June 2000 issue of the American
found no link between family size or birth order with
intelligence. “Resolving the Debate Over Birth Order, Family Size and
Intelligence” followed 11,406 young people ages 14-22 for 22 years at yearly

     “There are many good reasons why parents might
consider limiting their family sizes, but the belief that, for a particular set
of parents in a modern country like the United States, a larger family will
lead to children with lower IQs appears to be, simply, wrong. The belief that
birth order acts directly to decrease the intelligence of children born later
in a given family also appears to be, simply, wrong,” state the authors.
     At this point, it seems that Obama should be advised
to get some new advisors.  I think it’s
clear that the administration desires to limit the creation of new souls in
this world, but ignoring science and the Catholic Church and the US
Constitution to trample citizen rights to further such an agenda, is
wrong.  It’s evil.    It’s time to defend our faith.  


For more inspiration, check out Big Hearted: Inspiring Stories From Everyday Families. Your children will laugh while learning big spiritual lessons with Dear God, I Don’t Get It! and Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious. 

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  1. Mr. B.H. Obama needs to be put into a position to not need advisors! I am one of 6 and we all have above average IQ…though society might say I'm wasting it because I didn't go to college, married at not quite 19 and am SAHM with 11 children…some grown and doing quite well. No low IQ among them, and even if there were it would not matter. IQ is not a measure of the dignity of a person!

    1. Oh, you are my kind of Mom-seeing the value of children beyond mere accomplishments. So sad that some might see you as wasting your intelligence because you didn't go to college while in reality, there's nothing anyone is doing in the world that is more important than your work. May God bless you abundantly!

  2. Patti, it took me a while to get to this but glad I did. So very true; good information here that speaks to how jaded things have become. Imagine your family without your youngest, or your second youngest. Glad we didn't buy into it! 🙂

  3. Thanks, Roxane. I think every family shudders to think what it would be like without their youngest. Testimony to being open to what God has to give us.

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